Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.

Queen Esther - A story of Faith & Courage

Written by Shireen Louw


Posted on January 04 2023

The story of Esther is one that is particularly relevant and relatable for women today. Like Esther, many of us find ourselves in challenging situations, where we are called upon to be brave and to stand up for what we believe in. Whether we are dealing with difficult people or circumstances, navigating the complexities of work or relationships, or simply trying to find our place in the world, we all have opportunities to show bravery and faith in our own lives.

One way that we can relate the story of Esther to our own lives is by considering the human emotions that she must have felt. Esther was a young woman who was thrust into a position of power and influence, far from her home and her people. This must have been a daunting and overwhelming experience for her, and it is likely that she felt a range of emotions as she navigated this new and unfamiliar role.

Like Esther, we all experience a range of emotions in our own lives. We may feel fear and uncertainty when we are faced with challenges or difficult situations. We may feel overwhelmed and uncertain when we are asked to take on new roles or responsibilities. We may even feel a sense of loneliness or isolation when we are separated from our loved ones or when we are surrounded by people who do not understand or support us.

Despite these emotions, Esther did not let fear or uncertainty hold her back. She used her courage and determination to stand up for what she believed in, even when it meant putting her own life on the line. This act of bravery is one that we can all relate to and aspire to in our own lives. Whether we are standing up for ourselves or advocating for a cause that we believe in, we can all find ways to be brave and to make a positive difference in the world.

Another way that we can relate the story of Esther to our own lives is by considering the role that faith played in her story. Throughout the story, Esther demonstrated a deep trust in God and relied on Him for guidance and strength. She knew that God had a purpose for her life and that He would see her through any challenges that came her way.

Like Esther, we can all find strength and purpose in our faith. Whether we are facing difficult circumstances, dealing with difficult people, or simply trying to find our place in the world, we can turn to God for guidance and strength. By trusting in His plan for our lives and relying on Him for support and encouragement, we can find the courage and determination to overcome any challenges that come our way.

In conclusion, the story of Esther is one that is particularly relevant and relatable for women today. Whether we are facing challenges or difficult situations, or simply trying to find our place in the world, we can all draw inspiration and strength from Esther's example of bravery and faith. By remembering her story and the lessons it teaches, we can find the courage and determination to be brave and to make a positive difference in the world, just like Esther did.